Partners in Change: A Biographical Encyclopedia of American Protestant Missionaries in Hawaiʻi and their Hawaiian and Tahitian Colleagues, 1820-1900
David W. Forbes, Ralph Thomas Kam, Thomas A. Woods, Partners in Change: A Biographical Encyclopedia of American Protestant Missionaries in Hawaiʻi and their Hawaiian and Tahitian Colleagues, 1820-1900 (Honolulu: Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society, 2018)
Partners in Change: A Biographical Encyclopedia of American Protestant Missionaries in Hawaiʻi and their Hawaiian and Tahitian Colleagues, 1820-1900, is a reference work for individuals involved in the Mission work. It includes the Hawaiians and Tahitians who worked with the Mission, ABCFM missionaries, and London Missionary Society missionaries. The expanded nature of Partners in Change will be a boon to researchers in its expanded scope from the 1969 Missionary Album. The fact that it uses a modified Chicago Manual of Style system provides an accessible form of documentation for casual readers, yet maintains a clear pathway for scholars to check and verify our statements/quotations and to build upon them if they choose to do so.